Thursday, 9 August 2012


Luxcity is a large scale fabrication studio with the purpose to design and build a `city of light` for a one night event at the Festival of Transitional Architecture (FESTA) in Christchurch on the19th or 20th of October 2012. The project is organized as collaboration between the School of Architecture and Planning at The University of Auckland, the Spatial Design Department at Auckland University of Technology, the Architecture Department at Unitec, the School of Architecture at Victoria University and the School of Architectural Studies at CPIT.

In collaboration with Christchurch based clients approximately 20 design studios with over 350 students will be involved to design and construct fully functional pop up programmes such as bars, restaurants and theatres. The over arching strategy across the courses will be to use light in conjunction with large scale demolition machinery to create structures that are both ephemeral and contend with the vastness of the urban scale. Key challenges for the design are scale and the expected large number of visitors in conjunction with the transportability, quick assembly, and suitability for an outdoor environment.

The Luxcity event is designed around the idea of the Transitional City with the intention to encourage cross disciplinary collaborations and a wide range of additional inputs from local institutions and initiatives. This project is made possible by the Christchurch Centre for Architecture (event host), Life in Vacant Spaces (site allocation), Gapfiller (program/client contact) as well as a number of sponsors and consultants.

The Luxcity concept is based on event studios like Barcode in 2006, Urban Spoiler in 2007, Transformers in 2009, Skyrise City in 2010 and AMPED in the Park 2011. Over the past years these installation studios became the key component of Auckland Architecture Week and attracted around 2000 people visiting the events in one night and in case of AMPED in the Park, 76,000 visitors over a period of 13 days.

We are very excited at Spatial Design to be a part of this event 

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